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Now Hiring

Worship Pastor/Leader


Eastside Baptist Church is seeking a Part-Time/Bi-Vocational Worship Leader to lead the church in corporate worship experiences. The Worship Leader will work in collaboration with the Senior Pastor and the Worship Team to plan and execute worship services that glorify God, edify Believers, and evangelize the lost. This position requires someone with a passion for worship, a heart for ministry, and a deep commitment to Jesus Christ. 


Minimum Qualifications

  • A mature born-again Christian in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ that is committed to Bible study, prayer, and sanctification 

  • Must be a member of a Southern Baptist Church and support the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 

  • Must have a passion for worship and be able to lead others in worship 

  • A musician with strong vocal and instrumental ability who can effectively lead the congregation and fellow musicians to worship God 

  • Must have a working knowledge of both traditional hymns and contemporary Christian music 

  • Must be effective in communicating from the stage and leading the congregation in worship 

  • Must have strong organizational skills and attention to detail 

  • Must be willing to work a flexible schedule, including evenings, and weekends 

  • Must be able to pass a background check 

  • The ability to lead a team, provide direction and when necessary, resolve conflict promoting unity with grace and love 


Ideal Qualifications (Not Required) 

  • Knowledge of / experience with audio equipment and mixing sound 

  • Knowledge of / experience with EasyWorship presentation software 

  • Willingness to serve as youth pastor 


Job Duties and Responsibilities 

  • Direct the planning, organizing, conducting and evaluating of the church music program, including choirs, praise teams and other vocal and instrumental groups 

  • Supervise the work of the worship and A/V teams 

  • Coordinate the music and worship program with the church calendar and emphases of the church 

  • Assist the Senior Pastor in planning all worship services 

  • Arrange and provide music for church related activities / special events 

  • As available, provide A/V support for weddings, funerals and other non-church specific special events 

  • Maintain the music library, materials, supplies, musical instruments and other equipment for the church 

  • Prepare an annual music and worship budget for approval.  Administrate the approved budget 

  • Cooperate with the local association and denominational leaders in promoting activities of mutual interest 

  • Perform other duties as assigned by the Senior Pastor 

  • Lead worship for the weekly Sunday Service including coordinating and leading any required practice sessions in advance of the service (currently Wed eve and Sun morning) 


Vacation and Time Off 

  • The music minister is granted 2 weeks of vacation and 2 weeks of sick leave each year. 

  • This equates to 1 week every 6 months.  If the music minister would like to take these sequentially, then it must be approved by the deacons. 

  • It is understood that the music minister will be away sometimes because of things like jury duty, family illness, family deaths, emergency business matters, etc.  They are urged not to abuse this privilege. 

  • The music minister is granted time to lead or help in 2 parachurch activities / events each year.  These activities shall not exceed two Sundays each year.  The music minister must ensure all leadership roles and the worship ministry is covered while away. 

  • Other days off, except in extreme emergencies, must have deacons’ approval.  Time off for emergencies should be cleared with the Senior Pastor when there is no time to secure deacons’ approval. 


Our Responsibilities 

  • The compensation package for this position will be commensurate with experience and education. This is a part-time/bi-vocational position, and compensation will be negotiated based on the candidate's availability including other factor(s). 

  • Supervise, give feedback, and provide accountability through the Pastors/Deacons. 

  • Provide primary supervision through the Senior Pastor. 


To Apply 

Please submit your resume, cover letter, and a video recording of you leading worship to the following email address:  

If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact (580) 786-4221. 

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